Interview with Kelly Knable, Director of Construction at Ball State University

Check this out: Construction Insights

A residence hall—particularly one like North Hall at Ball State University, which is designed as a living-learning community for science, technology, and math majors—includes several different project types rolled into one.

It serves as a space for occupants to live, socialize, and study. It combines home- and hotel-like features, social gathering areas, academically related spaces, and a high level of technology all in one building. This makes for a nuanced design process and, thus, a complex construction process.

Watch the Q&A video above to hear Kelly Knable, Director of Construction at Ball State University, talk about choosing her construction team and services, how construction projects support the mission of the university, and her advice for other construction project owners.

Interested in this project? Learn more about North Hall here

North Residence Hall Design Partners: SCBRundell Ernstberger Associates