Trends in Church Design
Studio-Community -
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Schmidt Associates -
Posted On
Feb 13, 2017
We have been fortunate to have many wonderful church projects come through our office. Let’s take a quick moment and reflect on some of the current trends we are seeing when it comes to designing these sacred spaces.
Multi-Site Approach – Growing a congregation and reaching out to new believers has long been a focus area. Now, in lieu of placing addition after addition to a single site and creating a large megachurch, many Owners are focusing on increasing their reach through the creation of multisite ministries. These smaller congregations allow for greater connection between members while acting out of the proven established principals created by the founding church body.
Beyond Sunday – Sunday continues to boast the largest attendance for religious facilities, but leaders are spending more time focusing on ways to attract people to be involved during the other 85% of the week. Imbedded coffee shops, libraries, technology-infused gathering spaces, and children’s play spaces are finding their way into the fabric of the building. These types of spaces are engaging existing and new members to these multifaceted buildings.

Cornerstone Lutheran Church Fishers – Play Area
Foster Fellowship – In a time when everyone is moving at a breakneck pace, places that allow people to take a moment to slow down are central to survival. Churches are capitalizing on this by creating larger common spaces and small, incidental places for people to connect with each other. These areas engage attendants and allow them to learn that there is more to do than just come in for Sunday service.

Cornerstone Lutheran Church Fishers – Common Area
Community Centric – Churches are increasing their due diligence in deciding where to place their new or expanded church home. They are asking questions around demographics and looking at community needs so they can tailor their facilities and services to fill gaps and be even better community partners.
Flexibility is Key – In today’s fast-paced society things are always changing – and changing rapidly.
Like any facility, churches must also be ready and able to adapt to change. Multipurpose entry spaces, flexible classrooms, and smaller chapels can serve a variety of needs for daily activities.

Cornerstone Lutheran Church Carmel – Small Chapel