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Feb 24, 2017
David Logan, Graduate Architect
Tattoos on the Heart
By Gregory Boyle
I am always on the lookout for another memoir, and in all my searching, I have yet to find one I enjoyed as much as Tattoos on the Heart. Father Boyle is a Jesuit priest working in the heart of Los Angeles who runs Homeboy Industries, a program that seeks to intervene in the lives of gang members. Boyle serves as a father figure to the gang members, both spiritually and physically. The work of Homeboy Industries includes tattoo removal, a bakery, painting (over graffiti), and a variety of other services often with former rival gang members working alongside each other. As one might expect, the banter in the book is colorful, and the events are both humorous and heartbreaking. Boyle’s reflections are warmly endearing and spiritually meaningful, and altogether, this is an incredible story of humanity seen at both its best and its worst.
Desma Belsaas, Principal
Lean In: Women, Work, and the Will to Lead
By Sheryl Sandberg
This a great read for anyone. If you are not lucky enough to be a woman, you likely have a spouse, sister, daughter, friend, or co-worker who is. Being a woman can be both a blessing and a curse. Though there are many opportunities for women to succeed, there are numerous stereotypes and unconscious behaviors that are so ingrained in our society that it is difficult to overcome them. This book takes a great look at the ways we can help empower ourselves to look at how we treat women in today’s fast-paced world and what we can do to encourage their continued success.
Joe Redar, Project Architect
The Snow Leopard
By Peter Matthiessen
This book is one part travel journal, one part naturalist essay, and one part spiritual quest. Ostensibly, the purpose of the journey is to study the wildlife of the Dolpo region of Nepal. Along the way deep insights are gained. The story does an excellent job of imbuing and elevating the landscape the narrator navigates through with spiritual significance. Highly recommended!
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