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Posted On
Jan 27, 2017
Megan Scott, Marketing Manager
The Serving Leader
By Kenneth R. Jennings and John Stahl-Wert
This book touches on five actions that can help transform your team, business, and community. It tells a great story that demonstrates what Servant Leadership (a core value at Schmidt Associates) is through real life examples. There are applicable ideas to take away from this book and use in your personal and professional lives.
Eddie Layton, Project Architect
Wizard’s First Rule
Terry Goodkind
As one who does not typically read fantasy series, this long series pulled me completely in and enthralled me. The story of a young man from the woods who discovers his identity and meaning to people he never knew even existed is a continuous adventure in a race against time to defeat evil. This series is 17 books long, so there is an overarching plot with many subplots throughout, weaving an interesting and exciting story that’ll keep your attention for days… weeks… or years. Non-traditional, fantasy characters fill this universe in which magic is a “gift” that very few individuals possess.
Morgan McFarland, Communications and Digital Media Specialist
It isn’t a book, but it is something always on my shelf! I appreciate reading about what is going on around Indianapolis and the surrounding cities, whether it be new business sprouting up, politics, upcoming events, or sports (GO DAWGS!). No matter your profession or your personal interests, there is usually an article in the IBJ that effects your life somehow. Plus, it gives me a constant stream of topics to talk about with my peers.
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