As Louisville navigates significant financial challenges in its public transit system, the Transit Authority of River City (TARC) is facing tough decisions that will shape the future of transportation in our community. Schmidt Associates, in collaboration with Jarrett Walker + Associates, Gresham Smith, EHI Consultants, and Rasor Marketing Communications, is proud to support this crucial project.

Residents of the Louisville region now have the opportunity to review and provide feedback on three potential transit network concepts as part of the TARC 2025 network redesign. These concepts, while not formal proposals, will directly inform the decisions that could define the future of public transit in Louisville.

Key Points from the TARC 2025 Redesign
  1. Ridership Concept: This concept focuses on maintaining frequent service in the densest, busiest parts of Louisville. It aims to keep 15-minute and 30-minute service in areas where transit is most heavily used, ensuring that the majority of existing riders continue to have reasonable access to the system.
  2. Coverage Concept: This concept maintains the existing coverage across a broad area, even at the expense of frequency. Most routes would see service reduced to hourly or less, impacting the usability of transit for many current riders but ensuring that a wider area remains served.
  3. Growth Concept: Unlike the other two, the growth concept envisions a scenario where additional investment allows TARC to expand its service by 12%. This option would redesign the network to better meet the community’s needs while accommodating growth.
Why Residents’ Input Matters

The community’s feedback on these concepts is vital. TARC cannot raise revenue on its own, so understanding what the public values most—whether it’s maintaining extensive coverage, focusing on ridership, or exploring growth opportunities—is essential for developing a network that best serves Louisville’s needs.

Get Involved

Residents are encouraged to participate in the public engagement process before the survey closes on September 12th. Residents’ input will help shape the future proposals that will be released later this fall.

👉 Click here to participate in the Public Engagement Survey

Learn More

For a deeper dive into the challenges and possibilities facing Louisville’s transit system, you can read Scudder Wagg’s detailed analysis on the Jarrett Walker + Associates blog: Louisville: Service Concepts for a Financial Crisis.

Schmidt Associates is committed to supporting our community by collaborating on projects that have a lasting impact. We encourage all Louisville residents to engage in this important conversation and help shape the future of our city’s transit network.