To provide students with a top-ranked engineering education that prepares them for successful careers and transformative leadership within the region, nation, and world, the new Marian University Witchger School of Engineering will be opening its doors this fall. What’s in store for the first class of students is truly exciting. The school will not only offer a place for students to gain a four-year degree in biomedical, chemical, civil, computer, mechanical or engineering physics with a hands-on, detail-oriented curriculum, but also an opportunity for students to learn in state-of-the-art classrooms, study spaces, and laboratories that have been developed and designed by Schmidt Associates engineers. Principal-in-Charge of Engineering, Eric Broemel and Witchger School of Engineering Dean, Binh Q. Tran share additional details about the new building and what students can expect. Watch the video.


For more information about the Marian University Witchger School of Engineering, visit

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