Fast Facts about Lisa

Position: Project Manager, Principal

Education: University of Cincinnati

Favorite Restaurant: Bakersfield

Whether it’s visioning and managing projects at work or crafting at home, Lisa Gomperts has mastered the art of assembling pieces to make a whole that is better than its parts. Learn more about one of our principals below!

Tell us about your background.
I was born in Texas to military parents and moved to the south side of Indianapolis when I was just three months old. I am a graduate of Perry Meridian High School and went to the University of Cincinnati for architecture. While doing a co-op in Charleston, SC, I met my husband, Eric. After a few years of long-distance dating while I finished school, I moved to Charleston to start my career and my family. When my girls were still young, we returned to the southside of Indianapolis and have been here ever since.

Lisa Gompert's Family

What’s your earliest memory of architecture?
I watched “The Brady Bunch” as a child and remember Mike Brady drawing cosmetic buildings where the roof opened up.

What inspired you to make architecture a career?
I have always enjoyed building things. Growing up, Mom and I would build dollhouses together—in fact, I think we still have three or four of them. Or when my parents would buy something that required assembly, I was the builder. It also spills into my hobbies with crafting, scrapbooking, quilting, etc. I just enjoy putting things together.

Though I am strong in science and math and was encouraged to pursue engineering, my creative side won out and I went into architecture instead. Now, I have crafted a career in Project Management that blends my three interests: putting things together, business, and education.

Lisa Gompert's Dollhouse

What is your favorite part of your job?
Every day is different. I have different types of projects, different clients, and different challenges. I enjoy being able to take data and information to help Owners find an effective solution to their challenges. Even if the initial issue isn’t an architectural one, problem solving skills help architects look at many problems in different ways to craft resolutions.

What do you do when you feel “stuck”?
I reach out to other resources to get another perspective or opinion. I felt like asking questions was a sign of weakness when I was younger. The older I have gotten, the more I have realized outside opinions and perspectives only strengthen what I am doing.

What do you do in your free time?
I enjoy crafting and exercising when I have the opportunity. I also enjoy helping with the youth group at church, through camps and mission trips. Unfortunately, I don’t get the opportunity to do these things as often with my girls’ busy schedules.

I also volunteer with the Red Cross and Children’s Bureau. I initially got involved with Children’s Bureau as a connection through the projects we did. But I have an inherent interest in our youth and a soft spot when I see kids struggling. From little guys to young adults, Children’s Bureau does so much to support them. I also really enjoy my work with the Red Cross. I admire the way they are so mission-focused, supporting people in the midst of devastating situations.

What does your perfect weekend look like?
It would entail spending a lot of time with my family. We would go watch my girls’ sporting events and probably a cookout followed by a long walk.

Who would play you in a movie made about your life?
Probably Anne Hathaway. I also receive a lot of comments about my resemblance to Tina Fey and Sarah Palin. It isn’t uncommon to get a few stares on an elevator because of it.

What’s your favorite movie?
“Titanic.” I am fascinated by the architecture of the ship and love to see what it looks like under the water. My great grandmother was supposed to be on its return voyage from America to Europe, which is also part of the connection.

Tell me about your family.
Eric and I have two girls. Makayla will be a freshman at the University of Evansville. As part of a pre-med track, she will be studying Biology and Spanish in a Pre-Admit program for the Indiana University School of Medicine. My younger daughter, Sara, is a junior at Park Tudor. She plays volleyball and hopes to do so in college as well. We also have two dogs, Sadie and Copper, and two cats, Callie and Sophie.

Lisa Gompert's Daughters