Kathryn’s energy is matched only by her abilities to establish strong and long-lasting relationships, and combined, this makes her natural fit as a business development representative. With a background in marketing and developing solution-based strategies for clients, Kathryn’s career has been a ladder of success where each step climbed has given her the skills necessary to accomplish her goals. Whether making herself part of the Owner’s team or learning from her internal teammates, Kathryn strives to be a servant leader by listening and learning, followed by making a difference for clients looking to design innovative facilities for the firm’s K-12, Higher Education, Community, and Healthcare studios.

Outside of Work
Kathryn is a member of ULI Kentucky and council member, a board member for the New Directions Housing Corp., and a Fillies Ball committee member for Fillies, Inc. Additionally, she is a member of the Louisville chapters of the Society for Marketing Professional Services and Woman in Commercial Real Estate. She also loves live music, UofL sports, food and drink events, spinning and running, and her rescue puppy named Wynnie. During high school, Kathryn was in the all-state choir and was rated best alto in Jefferson County. However, she can no longer sing after damaging her vocal cords and undergoing surgery to remove a nodule.