Stoll Keenon Ogden was looking to reframe how the law firm functioned, ushering in a new approach for the future of the practice. With the acquisition of new space, the firm was able to consolidate operations from four disparate floors to two adjacent floors containing 60 attorney offices, one board room, three large conference rooms, six to eight smaller conference rooms, and support spaces. With their new space overlooking the river, the firm made the decision to capitalize on the inspiring view. Reception, visitor spaces, conference rooms, and a staff breakroom orient toward the vista, with private offices comprising the remainder of the perimeter offices. Support spaces, including elevators, restrooms, and printing rooms, are oriented in the center of the facility. Because the office is located in downtown Louisville, the facility is laid out to mimic the streetscape. The main street hallways are lined with subtly themed storefronts/law offices and collaboration/conference spaces or “pocket parks” on every corner allowing for increased accidental interaction. The renovation has allowed the organization to adapt to the changing needs of the community while enhancing efficiency and improving collaboration internally.