When you decide to open a charter school location, you are also tasked with deciding which professionals to partner with and when. It’s beneficial to team with a professional architectural/engineering firm that is experienced in charter school construction—and to get them involved early in the process. Experienced professionals will guide you through five key facility decisions for creating a new charter school.

1.  Building Size – An architect experienced in charter school design will define the types and amount of space your curriculum requires. They will help you understand local building and health codes that directly influence your space requirements and layout.IMG_10802.  Site Requirements – Safe school sites are critical. Choosing a site that has the potential for clear sight lines, maximizing parent drop-off, and separating pedestrians from traffic is essential when choosing a location. Whether you are building new or moving into an existing building, an experienced school architect can evaluate how the site can function to maximize student safety.

3.  Regulatory Approvals – Use a team with civil engineers who understand local requirements and processes for zoning, drainage, traffic, and permitting. Knowing these parameters will help you select the most cost-efficient site and avoid delays due to regulatory approval.


4.  Preliminary Cost Projections –An architect can compare construction types and how they affect budget and schedule. Experienced architects can quickly evaluate cost scenarios to help define your budget.

5.  Timeline – An architect will help you visualize the right path for renovation or new construction. They will define the specific milestones you must meet in order to occupy your building as scheduled.