The founding fathers explicitly warned fellow countrymen to distrust government and to remain vigilant in their suspicion. They knew full well the tendency of those with a measure of power to steadily encroach on those with less, until the latter are fully subjugated. We were to be a nation of citizens, not subjects. That meant, and still means, that we must be strong citizens to have strong leaders. The responsibility lies first with us, as we are a people governed by our own consent.

We are hearing the noise of another major election approaching. Some citizens are attempting to claw back power from those they feel have misrepresented them and betrayed the interests of our nation. It gets a little ugly, but it doesn’t compare with, oh say—beheading. Wherever you fall in the political spectrum, you can afford to smile at the dissent that is being “Trumpeted” before consent is given anyone to lead.

The experiment that is the USA is still going. Whatever else is in contention, we always struggle for a balance of power between the government and the people … between collectivism and individualism.

As we scan would-be candidates, we wonder, “What would a servant leader look like in office?” And the next question of course, “How does a citizen help that happen?”

“Leadership can not be measured in a poll or even in the result of an election. It can only be truly seen with the benefit of time. From the perspective of 20 years, not 20 days.”

—Marco Rubio